Shri Radha Rani
Radhe Radhe Kahat Hee, Sab Biyadha Mitjay Koti Janm Kee Aapada, Shri Radhe Kahe Se Kat Jay
Radha Shri Radha Ratu, Nisi-Nisi Aathon Yaam Ja Ur Shri Radha Basai, Soi Hamaro Dhaam.
Whenever Lord Shri Krishna incarnates on this earthly realm, his blissful energy, Shri Radha Ji, is always with him. God himself has said to Shri Radha Rani, "O Radha! Just as you exist in Braj as Shri Radhika, you also manifest as Mahalakshmi in the Kshir Sagar, as Saraswati in Brahmalok, and as Parvati on Mount Kailash." The manifestation of God's divine pastimes is indeed a reflection of Shri Radha Ji's glory.
The Relationship of Shri Radha and Krishna
Union of Love and Bliss
Shri Radha is full of love, while Lord Shri Krishna embodies bliss. Where there is love, there is bliss, and where there is bliss, there is love. Shri Krishna symbolizes the essence of bliss, while Shri Radha embodies the essence of love. Therefore, both are one and the same.
Although Radha Ji's name does not appear explicitly in the Shrimad Bhagavatam, her existence is like the soul within the body. The Chintamani of love-essence, Shri Radha Ji's being reveals the divine love-lila of Shri Krishna, which is characterized by bliss.
Radha's Divinity and Krishna's Nature
Radha's Principal Status
According to Krishna's nature, Radha is the principal goddess, associated with Krishna's maya (material energy) and prakriti (feminine energy). At the highest level in Golok, Radha is said to be united with Krishna and residing in the same body. The relationship between Radha and Krishna is akin to that of milk and its cream or the earth and its fragrance: they are inseparable.
This level of Radha's identity transcends her material nature and exists as pure consciousness (Narada Purana, Uttarakhand - 59.8). While Radha is similar to Krishna at this highest level, this identity merges only until she separates from him. Upon separation, she manifests as the goddess of primordial nature (adi prakriti), who is referred to as the "creator of the universe" or "mother of all" (Narada Purana, Purva Khanda, 83.10-11, 83.44, 82.214).
Characteristics of Radha Rani
Shri Radha Rani
Krishna is the Lord of the entire universe, and his supreme consort is Shri Radha Rani. Radha, also known as Radhika, Kishori, Swamini, Ladli, or Priya Ji, is not an ordinary gopi but is special. She is not separate from Krishna; both are one.
Shrila Prabhupada has stated that no one can fully describe the divine forms of Shri Radha and Shri Krishna. In Chaitanya Charitamrita (Adi-lila 4.56), it is said:
"Radha Krishna ek atma, dui dui dehadari, anyone vilase rasaswadana kori."
This means that Radha and Krishna are one (soul) but have taken on two different bodies to enjoy different flavors (or moods). Among all rasas, the flavor of love is the highest and most sublime.
Krishna is referred to as the full moon, and Radha Rani as the moon's radiance. Krishna is called the powerful one, while Radha is known as the power. Krishna and Radha are one-one mind, one intellect, one heart, and one soul. Everything is one! We cannot say that Radha Rani and Krishna are in any way separate.
Leelas of Vrindavan
Transcendental and Mundane Leelas
Shri Radha Sarveshwari, Rasikeshwar Ghanshyam. Karhun nirantar baas main, Shri Vrindavan dhaam. The leelas of Vrindavan are not merely mundane. At the age of eleven, Shri Krishna left Braj, yet in the transcendental realm, he remains eternally one. Lord Brahma was blessed to witness Shri Radha Ji's divine love, where he witnessed the wedding leela of Radha and Krishna.Symbol of Radha's Love
Raslila and Radha's Place
According to Garg Samhita (Sarg 2, Chapter 22, Verses 26-29), during the Raslila, at the request of the gopis, Radha and Krishna revealed their eight-armed forms and transformed into their Lakshmi-Narayana forms. In Skanda Purana (Vaishnava Khand, Chapter 128), Radha is described as the soul of Krishna in the Yamuna. It states that Radha is Krishna, and Krishna is Radha; all of Krishna's queens, including Rukmini, are expansions of Radha.
Unique Symbol of Love and Devotion
The Nature of Krishna's Love
Radha is also seen as the symbol of Krishna's love. According to the teachings of Vaishnava saint Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, it is said that Krishna possesses three powers: the internal, which is intelligence; the external, which creates illusion; and the differentiated, which forms individual souls. His principal power is that which expands the heart or generates bliss.
This power of love seems to manifest. When this love resides in a devotee's heart, it creates Mahabhava or the highest emotion. When love reaches its pinnacle, it transforms into Radha herself, who is the dearest and full of all qualities. She is the supreme love of Krishna and, as the ideal of love, embodies the most favorable sentiments of the heart.
The Name and Glory of Radha
Symbol of Love and Devotion
Aadhau naam taarihai Radha, R ke kahat rog sab mitihai, D ke kahat mitai sab baadha
The name of Radha alleviates all suffering. She is the soul of Braj, and without her worship, the worship of Shri Krishna is considered incomplete.
Whenever love is mentioned, the love of Shri Krishna and Radha will always be paramount. Although the divine marriage of Devi Radha may not have occurred with Shri Krishna, their names are always spoken together.

Radhe tu bad bhagini, Kyon tapsya keen
tenn lok taran tarad, tere hee Aadheen
Radha's Many Names
Radha is known by many names: Radhika, Madhavi, Keshavi, Raseshwari, Radha Rani. These names symbolize her diversity and qualities. She is the goddess of divine love, compassion, and devotion. She is the internal energy of Shri Krishna, providing him with joy.
History of Shri Radha Rani, Barsana and Rawal
Birth and Early Life
Radha was born to Vrishabhanu, who was the Yadav ruler of Barsana, and his wife, Kirtida. Her birthplace is Rawal, a small town near Gokul in Uttar Pradesh, though it is often said that she grew up in Barsana. According to popular legend, Vrishabhanu discovered Radha floating on a brilliant lotus in the Yamuna River. Radha was nine months older than Krishna. She did not open her eyes until Krishna himself appeared before her in his infant form.
Barsana: The Birthplace of Radha Ji
Barsana, the birthplace of Radha Ji, is located in the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh. This place has been the center of many pastimes of Radha Ji and her love. Here, Radha Ji was born to Vrishabhanu and Kirtida. Barsana is considered the primary site of Radha Ji, with many temples and places dedicated to her glory.
Importance of Barsana
The significance of Barsana is not just as the birthplace of Radha Ji, but it also presents remarkable examples of the divine pastimes of Radha and Krishna's love. Here, the Raslila performed by Radha and her friends and other divine pastimes are described. Worship of Radha Ji is a special feature here, and devotees come every year to express their love and devotion to Radha Rani.Rawal Village and Radha Ji's Birth
Radha, who resides in the heart of Krishna, grew up in Barsana, but she was born in Rawal village, located 50 kilometers away. It is believed that there is a garden right in front of the established temple, where Radha-Krishna still exist in the form of trees.
Radha and Shyam in Tree Form
In front of the Radha Rani temple established in Rawal village, there is an ancient garden. It is said that Radha and Krishna are still present in tree form here. There are two trees together: one is white and the other is dark. These trees are worshipped daily. The temple priest, Lalit Mohan, states that Radha and Krishna, in tree form, still gaze at Yamuna Ji from here.
Radha Ji Found in a Lotus Flower
It is believed that Radha Ji was born in Rawal village. The temple priest, Lalit Mohan Kalla, mentions that about five thousand years ago, the Yamuna flowed here. According to scriptures, Kirtiji prayed for a son while bathing in Yamuna. One day, during her worship, a lotus flower emerged from the Yamuna. The flower radiated light and shone like gold. When Kirtiji approached, the lotus had fully bloomed, revealing a tiny girl with closed eyes. It is said that this girl was none other than Radha Rani. The sanctum of this temple is now located at that very spot.
Eyes Opened Before Baby Krishna after 11 Months
According to scriptures, Radha Ji's eyes remained closed for about 11 months after her birth. Meanwhile, in Mathura, Lord Shri Krishna was born in Kansa's prison. He was taken to Nand Baba's house in Gokul overnight. Due to the fear of Kansa, Krishna's birth festival was not celebrated at that time. After 11 months, Nand Baba sent messages everywhere and celebrated Krishna's birth festival. The king of Gokul, Vrishabhanu, also came to Gokul with congratulations. Radha Rani was in his lap. As she sat down, Radha Rani crawled towards baby Krishna and opened her eyes at that moment.
Some unlimited transcendental qualities, of Shri Radha Rani:
- She is shy.
- She is cunning.
- She is very sweet.
- She smiles brightly.
- She is always calm.
- She is always grave.
- She is the chief gopi.
- Her eyes are restless
- Her speech is charming.
- She is very expert in singing.
- She is very humble and meek.
- She has beautiful, auspicious lines.
- She is the reservoir of loving affairs in Gokula.
- She makes Krishna happy with Her bodily aroma.
- She is very submissive to the love of Her friends.
- She is very expert in joking and speaking pleasantly.
- She is situated in the topmost level of ecstatic love.
Agritourism with Farmhouse visit and Night Stay in Village
Live the life of a villager. Staying in touch with Natur. Fresh Air, Milk, Oil, Food, Fruits and Vegetables.
Shri Krishna: Dresses, Tulasi Mala and Paintings